
Service Overview

Construction Insurance

We at Provident have decades of experience providing insurance solutions for some of the largest developers and builders in Ireland. This insurance sector presents complex exposures and liabilities, which demand the highest levels of specialist expertise which we pride ourselves in providing. 

We can offer in depth knowledge into the insurance and indemnity provisions of development agreements, building contracts, sub-contracts, and agreements for lease, leases, letters of appointment and collateral warranties and have procedures in place for the issue of insurance certificates and policies in forms acceptable to Financial Institutions, Investors and Legal Firms.

We also offer owner controlled Contractors All Risks insurance programs to allow a developer and their lenders exercise control over the construction insurances. The insurance provides cover for contract works during construction to practical completion.

Talk to Us

If you require additional information on any of our products or services, please call our friendly team on 01 296 8100 or get in touch using the link below.

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